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Technical Customer Support: A Hidden Revenue and Loyalty Creator

The landscape of customer support is undergoing significant transformation due to rising customer expectations and the increasing complexity of problem-solving.

What’s critical now is how swiftly, comprehensively, and effectively brands address their customers' requests. One of the most important factors in delivering exceptional customer service is a company’s ability to achieve first contact resolution (FCR).

CCW Europe and GoTo teamed up to survey how customer management leaders are cultivating memorable customer experiences through FCR. The results are laid out in this report alongside some actionable strategies that CX teams can adopt to really propel their FCR rates to new levels.

Key Findings Include:

  • Only around one in two brands currently have an FCR rate north of 70%
  • 63% of brands have improving FCR either high or very high on their CX agenda
  • 63% of brands report that IVR technology is their primary tool when it comes to driving FCR
  • 65% of brands have no visual customer support in place whatsoever

Want to dig deep into how customer management leaders are cultivating memorable customer experiences through FCR? Download the full report here.