Differentiate your Service Desk with world-class IT support software

Improve performance while reducing support costs. With 20 years of experience in remote support, Rescue can help IT-enabled Services and Business Process Outsourcing companies stand out.

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Rescue Desktop view of dashboard with session details and system information.

Reduce support costs without compromising on performance KPIs.

Rising customer expectations demands a shift in how modern support organisations approach service delivery. Experience Level Agreements (XLA) are the gold standard when it comes to defining customer experience (CX) standards, and IT organisations must strive harder to meet this now more than ever to retain hard-fought customer contracts.

Rescue’s intuitive interface, easy and secure connections and advanced admin controls helps:

  • Improve first-call resolution rates.
  • Reduce average call handle time and cost per incident.
  • Increase customer satisfaction as evidenced in improved KPIs (NPS, CSAT and/or Customer Effort Score).
Rescue Desktop view of support for vPro, Linux and showing chat window interface for establishing connection.

Single integrated and automated workspace to boost agent productivity.

Over 90% of IT leaders are looking to consolidate IT tools due to increased Service Desk workloads. Integrations within your Service Desk ecosystem are crucial to simplify workflows and improve agent productivity, with seamless access to customer data to deliver stand out service.

Rescue works with the tools you already use in your IT ecosystem, so you can:

  • Ensure seamless support and continuous uptime – even across different branches and satellite offices.
  • Provide consistent Service Desk support with the help of easy integrations with CRM software like Salesforce and ticketing tools like ServiceNow.
  • Provide multi-platform support – from desktop to mobile and Mac to Windows – to support your customers anywhere.
Rescue Desktop view of admin reports and settings.

Track and report on the demonstrable value of your Service Desk.

Poor managerial oversight costs your support team money and hurts agent performance, not to mention negatively impacting your customer experience. Yet managers struggle with a lack of visibility into the day-to-day activities of their support teams.

Rescue’s monitoring and reporting gives you the insight you need to make smarter decisions, so you can:

  • Proactively monitor and optimise your support team’s productivity to be customer-responsive.
  • Meet and exceed your customer’s set Experience Level Agreements to ensure retention.
  • Continue to attract and grow your customer base.

Supporting your Service Desk with fast, secure, any-device remote resolutions

Discover how Rescue has helped many IT enabled Services (ITeS) and Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) companies reduce support costs, increase Service Desk efficiencies, and quicken resolution time without impacting customer service.

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Transform your Service Desk with game-changing IT Support

Rescue is here to transform the way you operate your Service Desk and enhance your operational efficiency and security!

Secure and Compliant

Rest easy knowing your data is safe and secure. Rescue complies with the most rigorous security standards, ensuring you can focus on resolving your customer’s issues without you (or them) worrying about data breaches.

Faster Issue Resolution

Say goodbye to long response times and frustrated customers. With Rescue, your Service Desk can quickly diagnose and resolve issues remotely, drastically reducing end-user downtime and improving agent productivity.

Analytics and Reporting

Stay in control with detailed analytics and live reporting of technician statistics and activity as well as user satisfaction levels. These insights will allow you to make data-driven decisions to continuously improve your Service Desk.

Trusted by Top IT companies

We use Rescue in every contact center we have around the world. The Rescue team has been very helpful as we look for ways to better manage all of our agents worldwide.

- Ronald Mitchell Director, World Wide Contact Centers, Lenovo
Ready to make IT easy?

Explore the different ways Rescue can help your Service Desk uplevel customer experience while reducing cost, enhancing operational efficiency, and accelerating resolution times.

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